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And while we're talking about making contacts, let me put it a plug for the various community organizations in western Massachusetts that have helped me learn the craft as well as connect with other writers:
Pioneer Valley Writers Workshop
​A literary arts organization based in Northampton MA offering writing workshops in fiction, memoir, nonfiction, poetry, hybrid/experimental forms, and publishing as well as free once-a-month generative Community Writing gatherings for writers of all levels and genres.
The Writing Room at Forbes Library
​Wednesday morning sessions open at 9:30 sharp with brief hellos, followed by the pleasure of getting work done in the company of others, although virtually. At 11:45 we check in about how the work went and make announcements. At (roughly) 12, anyone who wishes to read for the group does briefly, without critique or spoken response. We're done by 12:30.
Straw Dog Writers
Unites and inspires writers throughout our diverse community through craft workshops, open mics, social gatherings, networking, writing residencies, high school scholarships, Emerging Writers Fellowship and more…
Writers in Progress
Workshops taught by regional authors, emphasizing writing time, community and craft development, giving and receiving constructive feedback, developing voice, and nurturing creativity and confidence.